Lemhi County Airport Master Plan
Lemhi County Airport
Click to view LARGE FILE – PDF of Master Plan Update Narrative Report last updated August 2011
Prepared by T-O Engineers
9777 Chinden Blvd
Boise, ID 83714
(208) 323-2288
The Lemhi County Airport is owned by Lemhi County, however it is not on the tax base. The airport is self sufficient with the support of FAA funding for airport project improvements. To receive FAA funding the airport is required to maintain a Master Plan which is updated approximately every 10 years. The Master Plan is prepared to support the modernization and/or expansion of the airport over a 20-year planning period. Lemhi County Airport’s latest master plan update was prepared by T-O Engineers in August of 2011.
The goal of a master plan study is to provide the framework at a planning level to guide future airport development and present adequate justification to support proposed development. It must be cautioned, the inclusion of a proposed development in a master plan does not constitute an automatic approval of that project. Project implementation is normally subject to additional environmental approval, justification of demand, and the availability of funding based on the FAA’s national system of establishing priorities for project funding.
An accepted and approved master plan enables Lemhi County to apply for Federal Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Development grants to assist with implementation of eligible projects shown on the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and presented in the capital improvement program (CIP). The ALP drawing set is a graphic presentation of the culmination of the planning process which depicts current facilities and facilities recommended to meet appropriate design standards and demand requirements.
Aside from traditional master plan elements, this master plan update for Lemhi County Airport also includes guidance on airport revenue enhancements.